Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A former coworker, who is now the Assistant Regional Superintendent somewhere in Illinois sent me an email yesterday titled "School Counselor Story."

He always has something to share that inspires growth so I was eager to read this one for sure. Here is what it said:

"Last night I ran into a young lady who was in graduate school and had a two minute conversation. She told me she planned to be a Guidance Counselor. I said, "Aren't they referred to as School Counselors now?" She sheepishly said, "Yes, but most people just know them as Guidance Counselors." I told her I had a School Counselor friend that would strangle her and she better start educating people."

Beware School Counselors in training, if education counselor you don't know how you should identify yourself, one of the last people you want to educate you on what title is appropriate is the Assistant Regional Superintendent.

Our advocacy efforts are working on those outside of our profession, but maybe we should be focusing more within our profession.